Blue Sky Thinking For A Greener Asia

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Risky Business

with Darian McBain

Asian business is changing.

Customer demands, government regulations, stakeholder expectations, they are all evolving under the pressure of the environmental crisis. And even the most robust business models are starting to show cracks.

But it’s through those cracks that opportunities arrive.

Do you know how to navigate this new normal?

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What on earth is “Jootsing?”

There’s an old adage that goes: “we can’t solve problems with the same thinking we used when creating them.”
Well, jootsing is about using new thinking to solve new problems.

The term JOOTS stands for “Jump Out Of The System”. Coined by Professor Douglas Hofstadter the concept is not quite “thinking out of the box”, more “re-engineering the box using new information.”

Because when it comes to solving our climate and sustainability challenges we’re going to have to subvert some of that old thinking.


Our take on “jootsing” is to focus on conversation, engagement and knowledge sharing. We’ll challenge the status quo and explore radical outcomes with grace, good humour and integrity. (And wine, when we get together.)

And the desired outcome of all of this?

It’s to unite professionals in Asia around the proposition that the future of their businesses, and their lifestyles, requires greater attention to sustainability thinking and action. And, to help secure that future, will provide an ever expanding body of knowledge, learning and activity to draw upon.

So come on, join our community. Either by participating in one of our live Joots, or by connecting with us below.

Our Team

Teymoor Nabili

Teymoor has interviewed and debated tens of thousands of people on international TV news stations like Al Jazeera English, the BBC and CNBC. One thing he’s learned is that the most interesting people are not always the most famous or successful but the creative and the curious, the passionate and the committed. Mostly these people shun the noise of ADHD culture, spending their time exploring new ideas on the borders of mainstream discourse.

Dr. Darian McBain

Darian has spent more than 25 years solving complex sustainability challenges for businesses, governments and NGOs. From speaking at the UN in New York on fighting modern slavery to talking fish traceability with a Crown Princess on sandbank near a tropical island, Darian has walked the walk and talked the talk. One thing she’s learned that is that drinking pina coladas and taking walks in the rain is nice, but jalapeño margaritas in a rooftop bar are better.